Business Analyst

SIGEN recruitment to polska agencja rekrutacyjna/headhunterska z Gliwic (nr KRAZ 23218), specjalizująca się w rekrutacjach stałych na stanowiska średniego i wyższego szczebla na terenie Polski.

Głęboko wierzymy, że uważne wsłuchiwanie się w potrzeby klienta jak również kandydata przynosi wszystkim stronom finalny sukces. Jesteśmy nastawieni na trwałe budowanie relacji, miły i profesjonalny kontakt, przyjazną i bezstresową rekrutację oraz świadczenie usług na najwyższym poziomie. 

Our client is a Scandinavian bank specializing in servicing and financing the largest foreign corporations. We are looking for Business Analyst.

We are looking for a candidate for this position who has experience working on large databases in a bank. We are not looking for a financial analyst, but a business analyst. A person who is independent and able to work with a team.




  • analysis of needs in terms of new solutions and process improvements in the area of sanctions and controls;
  • ensuring the correct flow of data between various departments in the bank;
  • developing control mechanisms to ensure proper data monitoring, including quality management and ensuring their completeness;
  • identification and maintenance of critical data elements;
  • establishing KRI / KPI requirements for monitoring the risk of key data within the system and screening solutions.

Oczekiwania wobec kandydata:

  • min. 2 years of experience as a business analyst or in similar positions including data governance/data management/management information;
  • higher education;
  • independence as well as willingness to cooperate within the team;
  • proactive, motivated approach;
  • excellent communication skills;
  • a structured and logical approach to work;
  • fluent English;
  • knowledge of SQL, VBA, Tableau.
    Nice to have:
    previous experience in the field of anti-money laundering


  • stable employment in a prestigious global bank;
  • permanent contract
  • partly remote work
  • daily work with the use of English in an international environment;
  • attractive benefits package (medical care, insurance, flexible working hours);
  • convenient office location in close proximity to Warsaw city center.

Ochrona danych osobowych

ID: 67 job_post.published_on: 27/10/2022